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Use shortcodes in CSS or JS

You can use shortcodes in Layout CSS & JavaScript settings, accessed from the Tools menu. Use this feature to replace a value in custom CSS or JS in a Lime Editor layout.


  1. Access your site's WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Lime Editor.
  3. Then click the Advanced tab and toggle the Render shortcodes in CSS/JS option.

You can also enable this feature using the fl_enable_shortcode_css_js filter in your child theme's functions.php file:

add_filter( 'fl_enable_shortcode_css_js', '__return_true' );

This filter prevents shortcodes markup flagging as an error.


In the following examples, we demonstrate how to use field connection shortcodes in CSS, but any shortcode can be used.

[wpbb site:url] in CSS

Suppose you have CSS for a background image for a page, such as:

body {
background: url("");

By using the Beaver Themer shortcode [wpbb site:url] to replace your site URL, you make it easier to migrate the code or the entire site to a new domain.

body {
background: url("[wpbb site:url]/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/my-image.jpg");

Conditional Logic

You can use field connection conditional logic in your CSS. In the example below, we can change the color of a post title based on whether the Advanced Custom Field field value is true or false.

.fl-post-title {

[wpbb-if post:acf type='text' name='FIELD NAME' exp='equals' value='SOME VALUE']

color: red;


color: yellow;

