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Display only custom layout templates in Lime Editor

OK, you've created some custom layout templates, perhaps assigned them categories and an order, and now they appear in a separate tab or group under the built-in layout templates.

Now suppose you want to hide the built-in Lime Editor layout templates and display only your own.

Using the procedure below, the Saved templates group displays by default, with your custom layout templates displayed according to any categories you've assigned, as shown in the screenshot below.

To display only custom layout templates:

  1. In the WordPress admin panel, click Settings > Lime Editor and then click the Templates tab.
  2. In the Enable templates section, select Enable user templates only.
  3. Click Save template settings.

If you have the Agency version of Lime Editor, you'll see an Override core templates checkbox on this screen. This is related to white labeling the custom templates to remove the Edit and Delete links from the display.