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Style tab

In the Style tab, you can change the color of the tab items, such as the text and tab background color.


  • Layout
    You can choose a horizontal layout or you can choose a vertical layout.

    Horizontal or vertical tab layouts


    As the screen width shrinks, the tabs turn into an accordion layout.

  • Background Color
    Set the background color for the tab.

  • Border Color
    Set the border color.

  • Border Width
    Set the border width in pixels.

  • Active Tab
    Set which tab should be active. The value should not exceed the total number of tab items.

  • Tab(s) Status on Mobile
    Control how the tabs display on mobile devices. You can choose between Keep Active Tab Open, and Close All Tabs.


  • Inactive Label Text Color
    Set the text color for the inactive tab(s).

  • Inactive Label Background Color
    Set the background color for the inactive tab(s).

  • Active Label Color
    Set the text color for the active tab.

  • Active Label Background Color
    Set the background color for the active tab.

  • Padding
    Set a specific padding value in pixels for the tab label. Click the Link Value icon to automatically make all four padding values the same.

  • Typography
    Set the font size, family, line-height and more for the tab label. See the Typography article for more information.


  • Text Color
    (Available when Custom Content is selected as a Content Source)

    Set the text color of the tab content.

  • Padding
    Set a specific padding value in pixels for the tab content. Click the Link Value icon to automatically make all four padding values the same.

  • Typography
    (Available when Custom Content is selected as a Content Source)

    Set the font size, family, line-height and more for the tab content. See the Typography article for more information.


There are all the usual Advanced tab settings for margins, visibility, animations, and advanced HTML settings.