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Move parent theme Customizer settings to a child theme

Here's why you should create a child theme. Lime Editor makes it easy by providing a child theme that you can download and install.

If you neglected to set up a child theme and have already created Customizer settings in your parent theme, here's how to export them, create a child theme, and move the settings to the child theme.

To move the parent theme's Customizer settings to a child theme:

  1. Make sure your parent theme is activated by checking at Appearance > Themes from the WordPress admin panel.
    If you already installed the Lime Editor child theme and noticed that your settings are missing, just reactivate the parent theme.
  2. Export your Customizer settings from the parent theme by following these instructions.
    The result is a .dat file in the downloads folder on your local system.
  3. If you haven't installed the child theme yet, follow these instructions to download, install, and activate it.
    Don't delete the parent theme you already have installed. You need both. If you've already installed the child theme, reactivate it.
  4. Import your Customizer setting from the same Export/Import tab you used in Step 1, using the .dat file you downloaded, following the same instructions.