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Install the BB theme and child theme

The Lime Editor Theme isn't required for the Lime Editor Plugin but it's a great framework theme with clean code and lots of options that are set in the WordPress Customizer.


You can check whether your Lime Editor version includes the theme on the Lime Editor pricing page. If you want to add the Theme, it's easy to upgrade to a different premium version.

You can choose between the video installation instructions here or written instructions below. Installing the Lime Editor child theme is optional but we strongly encourage it.

Should I use the Lime Editor child theme?

Technically no, but we strongly advise that you install the Lime Editor child theme. Here's the long answer, which explains what the Lime Editor child theme is and why you should install it.

You can create your own child theme, but we've made it easy by giving you a child theme to download and install.


The child theme does not need to be updated when you update the Lime Editor Theme parent.

System requirements

See the system requirements for viewing and building with the Lime Editor plugin and theme.

Download the Lime Editor Theme and child theme

Download the Lime Editor Theme and child theme zip files from the My Account page.


If you're a Mac/Safari user and the download shows up as a folder instead of a zip file, you won't be able to install, because WordPress requires uploading a zip file. See how to download a zip file on Safari.

Install the theme and child theme

  1. From the Admin panel in your WordPress installation, go to Appearance > Themes.
  2. At the top of the content area, click Add New and then Upload Theme.
  3. Upload the Lime Editor Theme zip file, but don't activate it.
  4. Repeat this procedure to upload the child theme zip file.
  5. Activate the child theme.

If you install your child theme after you've already set up Customizer settings in the parent theme, export your Customizer settings from the parent theme and import them into the child theme.

Customize your design

All Lime Editor Theme customization is done through the WordPress Customizer, which you can access by choosing Appearance > Customize on the WordPress Admin Panel. Here are a few of the things you can customize with the Lime Editor Theme:

  • Color scheme
  • Default fonts for headings and text
  • Site header and footer layout and content
  • Menus and widgets
  • Custom global code for your site

See all the theme topics for lots of help and tips.


Don't forget to click Save when you are done setting up your Customizer settings.