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Header tab options for custom theme presets

Top Bar Layout

Title in CustomizerKeyValue options
Layoutfl-topbar-layoutnone, 1-col, 2-cols
Column 1 Layout, Column 2 Layoutfl-topbar-col1-layout, fl-topbar-col2-layouttext, text-social, menu, menu-social, social
Column 1 Text, Column 2 Textfl-topbar-col1-text, fl-topbar-col2-textAny text (Do not use apostrophes. It will break the theme)

Top Bar Style

Title in CustomizerKeyValue options
Background colorfl-topbar-bg-colorAny hex color
Background opacityfl-topbar-bg-opacityAny number between 0 and 100 (Increments of 1)
Background gradientfl-topbar-bg-gradient0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled)
Background imagefl-topbar-bg-imageURL to image
Background repeat (if background image chosen)fl-topbar-bg-repeatno-repeat, repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y
Background position (if background image chosen)fl-topbar-bg-positionleft top, left center, left bottom, right top, right center, right bottom, center top, center center, center bottom
Background attachment (if background image chosen)fl-topbar-bg-attachmentscroll, fixed
Background scale (if background image chosen)fl-topbar-bg-sizeauto, contain, cover
Text colorfl-topbar-text-colorAny hex color
Link colorfl-topbar-link-colorAny hex color
Hover colorfl-topbar-hover-colorAny hex color

Header Layout

Title in CustomizerKeyValue options
Layoutfl-header-layoutnone, bottom, right, left, centered, centered-inline-logo, vertical-left, vertical-right
Inline logo position (Only if centered-inline-logo selected for layout)fl-inline-logo-sideleft, right
Vertical nav widthfl-vertical-header-widthAny number between 200-400 (increments of 1)
Paddingfl-header-paddingAny number between 1-100 (increments of 1)
Fixed headerfl-fixed-headerhidden, fadein, shrink, fixed
Hide header until scrollfl-hide-until-scroll-headerdisable, enable
Scroll distancefl-scroll-distanceAny number between 50-100 (increments of 1)
Content layoutfl-header-content-layoutnone, text, social, social-text
Content textfl-header-content-textText desired (Do not use apostrophes. It will break the theme.)

Header Style

Title in CustomizerKeyValue options
Background colorfl-header-bg-colorAny hex color
Background opacityfl-header-bg-opacityAny number between 0 and 100 (Increments of 1)
Background gradientfl-header-bg-gradient0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled)
Background imagefl-header-bg-imageURL to image
Background repeat (if background image chosen)fl-header-bg-repeatno-repeat, repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y
Background position (if background image chosen)fl-header-bg-positionleft top, left center, left bottom, right top, right center, right bottom, center top, center center, center bottom
Background attachment (if background image chosen)fl-header-bg-attachmentscroll, fixed
Background scale (if background image chosen)fl-header-bg-sizeauto, contain, cover
Text colorfl-header-text-colorAny hex color
Link colorfl-header-link-colorAny hex color
Hover colorfl-header-hover-colorAny hex color
Title in CustomizerKeyValue options
Logo typefl-logo-typetext, image
Logo image (Regular)fl-logo-imageURL to image
Logo image (Retina)fl-logo-image-retinaURL to image
Logo textfl-logo-textText desired (Do not use apostrophes. It will break the theme)
Font familyfl-logo-font-familyAny of our system of Google fonts
Font weightfl-logo-font-weight100 through 900 (depends on the font)
Font sizefl-logo-font-sizeNumber between 14-72 (Increments of 1)
Logo top spacing (Only visible if vertical layout chosen in Header layout)fl-header-logo-top-spacingNumber between 1-200 (Increments of 1)
Title in CustomizerKeyValue options
Nav item spacingfl-nav-item-spacingNumber between 3-30 (Increments of 1)
Nav search iconfl-header-nav-searchvisible, hidden
Mobile nav togglefl-mobile-nav-togglebutton, icon
Responsive nav breakpointfl-nav-breakpointalways, medium-mobile, mobile
Responsive nav layoutfl-nav-mobile-layoutdropdown, overlay, push, push-opacity
Responsive submenu togglefl-nav-submenu-toggledisable, enable
Responsive collapsefl-nav-collapse-menu0 (false), 1 (true)
Nav menu top spacingfl-nav-menu-top-spacingNumber between 1-200 (Increments of 1) Only available if vertical Header layout chosen
Nav item alignfl-nav-item-alignleft, center, right Only available if vertical Header layout chosen
Title in CustomizerKeyValue options
Submenu indicatorfl-nav-submenu-indicatorenable, disable
Background colorfl-nav-bg-colorAny hex color Only available for certain Header layouts
Background opacityfl-nav-bg-opacityNumber between 1-100 (Increments of 1) Only available for certain Header layouts
Background gradientfl-nav-bg-gradient0, 1
Background imagefl-nav-bg-imageURL to image
Background repeatfl-nav-bg-repeatno-repeat, repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y
Background positionfl-nav-bg-positionleft top, left center, left bottom, right top, right center, right bottom, center top, center center, center bottom
Background attachmentfl-nav-bg-attachmentscroll, fixed
Background sizefl-nav-bg-sizeauto, contain, cover
Link colorfl-nav-link-colorAny hex color
Hover colorfl-nav-hover-colorAny hex color
Font familyfl-nav-font-familyAny of our system of Google fonts
Font weightfl-nav-font-weight100 through 900 (depends on the font)
Font formatfl-nav-font-formatnone, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase
Font sizefl-nav-font-sizeNumber between 14-72 (Increments of 1)