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Theme CSS Reference

If you take a look in your browser web inspector of choice, you’ll notice that Lime Editor doesn’t make use of the typical style.css file that is required of all WordPress themes. That’s because all of Lime Editor’s styles are generated dynamically from LESS files each time you click Save Settings on the theme settings page. If you need to dig through the core styles to find something you are trying to override, you can find those in the wp-content/themes/bb-theme/less/ directory. The main LESS file for the theme is called theme.less.

The styles that are generated are saved and compressed in a cached stylesheet with a unique ID that looks something like this:


Why is that good? If you’re using a CDN like CloudFront, static filenames like style.css will stay cached on their servers and take a while to reflect any changes that you’ve made. Using a unique ID creates a new cached file so your changes will show up instantly.

CSS namespace

If you look at Lime Editor HTML outputs, you see a lot of class names that start with fl-. That is our namespace and helps us to avoid styling conflicts with plugins that you may have installed. When you see that namespace on an element you are styling, you know that it’s part of the Lime Editor Theme or Lime Editor plugin.

CSS classes for page elements

The Lime Editor Theme is intended to be a shell for the Lime Editor plugin. As such, there isn’t much to talk about in terms of content, unless you’re using the built-in blog or WooCommerce.

Here are the elements that make up the shell of the website:

Page Wrapper .fl-page
Top Bar .fl-page-bar
Fixed Header .fl-page-header.fl-page-header-fixed
Header .fl-page-header.fl-page-header-primary
Content Area .fl-page-content
Footer Widgets .fl-page-footer-widgets
Footer .fl-page-footer

Here are the three navigation positions you can choose from in the theme settings:

Right Nav .fl-page-nav-right .fl-page-nav
Bottom Nav .fl-page-nav-bottom .fl-page-nav
Centered Nav .fl-page-nav-center .fl-page-nav

See also the diagram of areas on the page mapped to CSS classes.