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How to connect your custom domain

Now, it's time to map your custom domain to your LimeFunnels site. To do this, you'll need to log into your domain provider (this is where you purchased your domain).

If you haven't yet purchased a domain, we recommend the following domain providers:

  • GoDaddy
  • Namecheap
  • Google Domains

If your nameservers are pointed to CloudFlare, this means that your domain is currently hosted by CloudFlare. You can log directly into CloudFlare to take care of the following steps.

Find Your Current DNS Records

Once you're logged into your domain provider. Find the DNS records for the domain you plan on pointing to your LimeFunnels account.


These services tend to change the method of getting to your DNS screen too often for us to keep up with, so we suggest you view the specific service's documentation for assistance.

From Here you can

  • Add new DNS records
  • Delete DNS records
  • Modify existing DNS records

Delete Old A Record(s)

Each DNS record in the list will have the following:

  • Record Type
  • Target (or Name)
  • Value
  • Other information pertaining to timeouts, etc.

You need to delete the following DNS Records:

  • Any 'A' OR 'CNAME' record who's target is ''
  • Any 'A' OR 'CNAME' record who's target is 'www'

In this following example, we've marked the two lines that we would delete. Your domain may be configured slightly different, but stick to the two requirements above and everything should be fine.

DNS Settings Example

Point Your Domain to LimeFunnels

Adding these two records will point your domain to the LimeFunnel's server and allow you to connect the domain.

Point the root domain record

  • Click 'Add Record'
  • Select Type: CNAME
  • Target (or Name): (where is your actual domain)
  • Value:

Point your 'www' sub-domain record

  • Click 'Add Record'
  • Select Type: CNAME
  • Target (or Name): www
  • Value:

Map Your Domain to Your LimeFunnels Site

Log into your LimeFunnels site.

  • Click 'Settings' in the left-hand menu
  • Click 'Domain Mapping'
  • In the Domains section click 'Add Domain'
  • Click 'Next Step'
  • Enter your domain as shown (do NOT include https:// or www)
  • Toggle the Primary Domain slider
  • Click 'Add Domain'

LimeFunnels will map your domain within a couple minutes.

In order to log into your newly mapped site, you can now use ''