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The Top Bar

This article covers the Lime Editor Top bar which allows you to access the Content panel, Tools menu, view the title of the page or post you're editing, and more.

Title bar

Shows what you're editing (page post, etc.) and its title.

Page or post title


Sometimes users experience issues where the Title Bar does not show the correct title information for the post/page they are editing. In this case, please refer to the Incorrect Title in Top Bar article.

Access the Tools menu

See the Tools menu article for more information.

Access the Tools Menu

Notifications icon

Click the bell icon to open notifications from the Lime Editor blog.


The Lime Editor UI will not display this icon if you have the Ultimate or Agency license installed with white labeling enabled.

Saving Indicator

As you edit your layouts you'll see the sequence Saving - Saved - Edited appear in the upper right corner of the Top Bar. This indicates your changes are saved even before you save or publish those changes.

Editing status of page or post


The autosave functionality of Lime Editor is provided by WordPress. You can change the AUTOSAVE_ INTERVAL Constant value to determine how often the autosave runs. In the example above, we've set it to 86400 seconds, which is one whole day. This effectively disables the autosave feature.

define ('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 86400);

Outline panel

Click the Outline icon in the Top Bar to open the Outline panel, which lets you view and modify the structure of your page layout in an outline format:

See the Outline Panel article for more information.

The Content panel

Click + to open and x to close. See the Content panel article for more information.


This icon does not appear when the panel is pinned to the left or right side of the screen. Instead, there's a show or hide icon at the bottom of the panel.

Done button

The behavior of the Done button depends on whether you've made any editing changes in this session.

Done button

  • The Done button will appear gray when there has been no editing changes: Click Done when it's gray and you exit the Lime Editor editor with one click.

  • The Done button will appear blue where there has been editing changes, and the status Edited appears to the left.

When you're done editing a page in Lime Editor, click Done in the upper right corner and select one of the following:


Discards all changes made or saved since the last time the page was published. This includes all saved but unpublished work from previous sessions.


Changes in Lime Editor are preserved as you make them. When you click Discard, you lose all saved changes since the last time you published, and only publishing creates a revision you can go back to.

Save draft

Saves your page and exits the Lime Editor. The changes made in that editing session are not visible except when editing in Lime Editor.


If you save a draft, be careful about discarding future edits. In Lime Editor, changes in the layout are saved as you edit, and the Save draft choice is a way of exiting Lime Editor without publishing the changes. If you choose Discard in a future session, you'll lose all changes since you last published the page. Also, the WordPress Revisions feature (see the next section) only works with published changes, not saved drafts.

Note that this can happen inadvertently if more than one person is editing the page at the same time. If another person discards edits on a page while you are editing the same page, your changes can be lost.


Makes the changes live, accessible to the world at large if you're working on a public site.

  • Consider publishing at regular intervals. This will create a WordPress revision that you can return to if you want to revert your most recent changes. This is also a good practice because there is no Undo when you're editing in Lime Editor.

  • To publish your layout without closing the editor, use Publish Layout in the tools menu, or using the keyboard shortcut:

    • command ⌘ + P ( Mac)
    • Ctrl + P ( Windows).


Returns you to the Lime Editor.