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Where can I add social icons

You can add social icons to the theme header and footer in three locations:

  • The top bar layout
  • To the right of the header logo, when you choose Nav Bottom layout
  • The footer bar

This screenshot shows these locations. In the header and footer, you can place the icons left, right, or center. In the Nav Bottom location, the icons will disappear as the screen is sized down. This screenshot shows only about half of the available social icons.

For instructions on adding the social icons to the top bar, see the Top Bar section in the Header article. For instructions on adding the social icons to the header, see the Nav Bottom section in the Header article. For instructions for the footer, see the Footer layout section in the Footer article. Whichever you choose, be sure to configure the icons at Customize > General > Social links.

All of the social icons in the theme send people to your social network pages to like your page or add a comment.


If you want to send visitors to their own social network pages with a link to a particular page on your site, use the Social Buttons module in the Lime Editor plugin editor.